How to use a compass without a map?

How to use a compass without a map?

The best way to use a compass for hiking is to pay attention to the terrain. If you’re hiking over a flat or low-lying area, you can look at the map and see where you are going.  

But if you’re hiking in a mountainous region, you’ll need to know how far away from your destination is. Knowing how to use a compass for hiking is important to get accurate when you need one. 

Make sure your compass is oriented correctly. It would help if you held it so that its needle points toward true north—the direction where you're going on your hike. If it's not doing this, turn it until it does—like turning a car's steering wheel.

There are two ways to use a compass without a map. The first is to hold it up and look at the needle. Try this if you're in the middle of nowhere and have no idea where you're going.

A hiking trip is anything but simple when you're out in the wilderness. You'll want to ensure you're prepared with the right gear, so we've put together this guide on how to use a map and compass for hiking. 

Let's start talking about How to use a compass without a map.

What is a compass & how does it work?

It is very simple to explain that a compass is a device that tells the direction of an object, such as North, South, East, and West. Alternatively, these directions can be referred to as the cardinal directions.

how to use a compass

It can be better described as a magnetized metal piece that will be turned towards the magnetic north pole of the Earth, which is a magnetic field. 

Compasses are most commonly used in the form of pocket compasses. Holding it in your hand will show you what direction is north when held similarly to a watch.

How does a compass work?

North and South Poles are the two poles of the Earth, which act as two centers of force, one in the north and one in the south. As it spins, a magnetic field of energy is created within the earth's core, mostly made up of molten iron. Magnetic poles are formed this way, and compasses work because of them. 

Compass needles are made of magnetized metal, usually iron, mounted on a pivot or pin, suspended in a substance that is usually a liquid (either mineral oil or white spirit) to allow the needle to move freely. 

If the compass needle points north as the level are held in your hand, it will point toward the magnetic north. When the device user can determine all the other directions, all other directions can then be determined.

Additionally, there are few measurements to be found around the compass. Degrees are the terms used to describe them. A needle made of red will always point north, whereas a needle made of black or white will always point south. 

There is usually an arrow at the top of the outer case of a compass, known as the "orientation arrow," located on the outer case of the compass.

The parts of the compass

Compasses can be intimidating to beginners for various reasons, one of which is their many parts, but each part serves a specific purpose in the operation of the device. To properly read a hiking compass, you must know a few essential items you should be aware of before using one.

Base Plate

The needle housing on the hiking compass is attached to a clear plastic base in the form of a screw.

Index Line

During the reading of a bearing, the index line typically appears directly above the rotating bezel used to find the bearing.

Direction-of-Travel Arrow

The Direction-of-Travel Arrow: This arrow signifies the direction when taking a bearing on your compass when it is located on the base plate (outside the needle housing).

Rotating Bezel

Taking a bearing on the hiking compass can be done through a rotating bezel, which can be rotated and graded in degrees surrounding the hiking compass.

Magnetized Needle

The magnetized needle indicates the magnetic north pole, usually red or white. Magnetized needles are free-floating arrows that always point north.

Orienting Lines

To align your hiking compass with the north-south grid lines on your map, you use orienting lines that rotate in step with the rotating bezel.

Orienting Arrow

Orienting Arrow: This is the outline of the arrow that is located inside the hiking compass that is used to point out to you when you are using a compass to acquire a bearing or orient the rotating bezel when taking a reading.

How to use a compass for beginners?

As a beginner, if you are unfamiliar with how a compass works, the best thing you can do is to begin by getting a map of an area you are very familiar with, where you would not normally need a map to navigate. 

Please go for a walk, taking the map and compass with you so you can navigate your way as you reach each turn on the map. 

How to use a compass for beginners?

Using this method, you won't have to worry about getting lost, and you will be able to compare what you think the compass is telling you about your direction of travel with what you think you should be doing.

In both directions, you should make sure that the direction of the travel arrow is pointing in the direction you intend to walk. The direction of the travel arrow is called the direction of the travel arrow for a reason.

It is better to follow the travel arrow rather than the compass needle unless you always want to walk due north. The compass needle remains above the orienting arrow within the compass housing or very close.

It is advised that you pick a landmark that is certainly not to move during your journeys, such as a tree, gate post, gorse bush, boulder, or some other natural feature, instead of something more likely to move.

How to use a hiking compass?

First step: Make adjustments for declination

According to this definition, declination is the difference between magnetic north (the direction you see your needle points pointing) and true north (the north star on your map). 

Depending on your destination, it can make the difference between arriving there and arriving miles away from it. Due to Earth's magnetic field and core elements, the declination value changes based on your location. 

However, it is also subject to change over some time. The legend on a topographical map should include the declination value, which will make your life much easier when you find the map on the ground.

When setting your compass, you will need to know this declination value. There are usually instructions on how to do this with most hiking compasses that come with them.

The declination value must be added or subtracted each time you work with a bearing if your compass does not allow adjustments.

Second step: Make sure your map is oriented correctly.

After you have adjusted your compass for declination, the next step is to orient your map according to the declination. 

The first step to determining your direction of travel is to place your compass on top of your map. There should be an arrow pointing in the direction of travel that points toward the top of the map. The direction-of-travel arrow should be aligned with north (N) as you rotate the rotating bezel.

If you're using a compass, be sure to align the base plate of the device with the right or left edge of the map to get the best results. Keep an eye on the map's direction-of-travel arrow to ensure it is pointing in the right direction.

The hiking compass should be placed on the map so that the magnetized needle is in contact with the arrow's outline after it is positioned on the map.

Using your compass and your map, you can now locate directions, your destination, and landmarks along your hiking trail while using your map as a compass.

Third step: Locate your destination on a map

Carrying a compass is to gauge your travel direction based on your location. Bearings are more accurate ways to describe your direction of travel than bearings from your current location. 

Bearings can help you determine your location on a map or determine the direction to your destination. Your compass should be aligned with your current location and the destination you are seeking by placing it on the map with the destination-of-travel arrow pointing in the right direction.

To align the orienting lines of your map with the grid lines north-south, rotate the rotating bezel.

An index line indicates where the bearing is located on the rotating bezel. The direction-of-travel arrow on your compass should point away from you when it is removed from the map.

The magnetized needle should be placed inside the orienting arrow by rotating your body until the needle is inside the arrow. Now, your destination is indicated by the direction-of-travel arrow.

Types of Compasses

Several kinds of compasses can be found in today's market, but when it comes to the basic types, two types stand out as the most common. In terms of compass types, these can be categorized as Lensatic Compasses and Baseplate Compasses. 

Baseplate compass:

Having a clear base plate on this compass makes it ideal for use when you bring a map with you, as you can use it to see the needle on the map. 

The accuracy of a compass of this type is determined by the device's price, even though the accuracy of every model should be quite decent. The 2-degree increments can be adjusted on most models.

Lensatic compass:

There is no clear baseplate on this type of compass. A cover protects the floating dial on the watch, and there are also articulating pieces. 

There are usually 120 levels in models of this type of compass, and each level is denoted by one click. The floating dial is not looked at directly when you are using it. Sighting lenses provide you with a better view of the dial.

How to use a lensatic compass without a map?

During the setting of a compass, the needle is moved by bearings inside the device. The military prefers the lensatic compass, one of today's most popular compass models. 

It is incredibly precise, affordable with a price of just a few dollars, and is easy to locate at any big box or sporting goods store where you live.

The first step.

    Ensure the cover has an open slot on the side facing up.

    The hand with which you write should hold the compass.    

The second step is to

    Pull your thumb ring back about halfway by using your thumb.

    Open the lid at a 90-degree angle.

    Activate the magnifying glass by flipping it up.

    Put your thumb through the ring beneath the compass.

    For support, wrap your middle, ring, and pinky fingers around your thumb. The compass front should be steadied using your index finger. 

The third step is to

    The lid has a slot running down the center with a sight wire.

    Please make sure the larger line of the dial is aligned with the sight wire by turning it until it does so.

    A full circle is depicted on the dial as the second line of numbers around the outside goes from 0 to 360 degrees, representing a full circle at the center. This way, you will be able to determine the direction more accurately. 

The fourth step is to

    Face the lid of the compass towards your nose as you hold the compass.

    Choose an object, rotate your whole body (not just your compass), and align the object with the sight wire by rotating your entire body.

    Locate the green line that matches the sight wire through the magnifying glass.

    Look at the inner dial to find the number. It is also possible to see North, South, East, and West directions on the map. Your bearings have been found; congratulations.


A compass is a very helpful tool to have on a hiking trip. It helps with direction, and as long as you pay attention to how the terrain is laying, you can make it without needing your actual map.

A compass is different from a map. A map shows everything. The locations and bearings are all there. You can use this information to get you to your destination with minimal fuss.


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